Friday, September 9, 2011

Trying the iPod Blogger App

I have never been a true blogger, whatever that is, nor have I claimed to be one. I do think that there is place for reflection, comment, editorial in a communication plan, which is how I use my various blogs.

Part of the problem that I have had is with the lack of a truly mobile way to communicate, I should say write, blog entries. This is why I would never claim to be a blogger, writer because I do not sit and write as a job like activity. I write when things need to escape from the limited confines of my brain.

Social Media, facebook and Twitter, has provided a very limited outlet for short bursts of that brain stuff. Social media is OK but it is limited both in content and coverage size. For me it is also dangerous due to the built in snarkiness contained in either 140 or 500 characters.

So here goes another attempt at communicating through the bloggersphere. I eagerly await the native iPad app from Google Blogger which hopefully will have link capabilities and other functionality.

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